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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.


At Fleecefield, we want to build on our children’s knowledge and understanding of the world they live in. We want to encourage their natural curiosity so that, by the time they reach Year 6, they are ready to take on the secondary science curriculum with confidence and success.

We follow the National Curriculum for the teaching of science and children learn through focusing on the key scientific concepts of:

  • Developing their scientific knowledge

  • Using skills to work scientifically

  • Scientific enquiry

As the children move through the school, from Early Years to Year 6, their scientific knowledge and skills deepen as they encounter them in more depth. Revisiting and making links to past learning is important so that children can increase their knowledge and skills in science and develop a broader understanding of the subject.

Vocabulary enrichment runs through our whole curriculum and science lessons provide an excellent opportunity to develop vocabulary and have confidence to use appropriate vocabulary in other curriculum areas.

We want to generate an enthusiasm for science and for children to begin to recognise the importance of STEM subjects in life and in careers that they may be interested in pursuing in the future.

The school places a high priority on the development of pupils’ skills of working scientifically; our Science Ninja skills programme means that throughout each science topic pupils have the opportunity to gain Science Ninja skill rewards. 

In the weekly lessons, the working scientifically skills are taught alongside the scientific knowledge outlined in the science programmes of study. In this way, there is an equivalent emphasis on skills, working scientifically and scientific content.

Wherever possible, we make use of the outside environment. At Fleecefield, we have our garden and field where children can learn about habitats, plants, seasons and animals through hands-on experiences. We are also fortunate enough to have Pymmes Park in the local area where we can make regular use of the grounds to learn more about living things and the environment. Our nurture group has its own planters where they can grow plants and learn how to care for them.

Activities are challenging, motivating and extend pupils’ learning. They develop the skills of enquiry, observation, locating sources of information and planning investigative work, children are taught to use appropriate equipment safely, measure and check results, make comparisons and communicate results and findings.

Our annual science week always generates a buzz and our pupils approach the themed investigations with great enthusiasm and curiosity. 

Science in the Early Years

Early investigative skills are developed in the Foundation Stage where Knowledge and Understanding of the World is one of the areas of learning. Children are encouraged to develop their curiosity and questioning skills through hands-on investigation and exploration; they have their own garden where they grow plants, observe the life cycle and learn how to care for them.

​To view our  Science Curriculum Map for Early Years with links to Year 1, Please click here 

To view our Science Curriculum Overview, please see below: